JOYLEE® Medical Pro Fingertip Pulse Oximeter is now presented to you for better quality and features. This noninvasive device will check your blood oxygen saturation level more effectively. Do not take it lightly even you have completed your Covid-19 vaccination. Let’s reduce the risk of Covid-19 with this better quality pulse oximeter.
As Covid-19 cases rise significantly, it is our duty to take the responsibility to take care and protect each other, especially the little ones who need special attention and extra care. Therefore, JOYLEE would like to take a further step to provide extra protection to all families. Ideal for children above 10 years old and adults, including pregnant woman.
JOYLEE® Medical Pro Fingertip Pulse Oximeter is MDA certified.
This powerful item can:
- detect the pulse rate
- test out the blood oxygen saturation level
- check on Perfusion Index (PI)
- detect the respiratory rate
The uses and benefits of JOYLEE® Medical Pro Fingertip Pulse Oximeter:
- To check the overall body health performance
- To ensure our body is at the correct oxygen saturation level (95% and above)
- To check the effectiveness of breathing functionality
- To give you an alert if your body is carrying low oxygen saturation rate on time
**2 years of warranty will be granted.