Sinus is a system of hollow cavities. The sinuses extend through the cheekbones, the forehead, behind the nose, and between the eyes. There are a few different sinuses, and they are all interconnected. 



Sinusitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses and it is a very common infection in children. There 3 types of sinusitis:

  • Short-term (acute). Symptoms of this type of infection last less than 12 weeks and get better with the correct treatment.

  • Long-term (chronic). These symptoms last longer than 12 weeks.

  • Recurrent. This means the infection comes back again and again. It means 3 or more episodes of acute sinusitis in a year.

Sinusitis can be viral and allergic sinusitis accompanies with cold. Bacterial sinusitis is an infection that caused by the trapping of bacteria in sinuses during cold or allergy. 

Sinusitis can be cause by various reasons. For example, tooth infection, bacteria infection, allergies, structural problem in the nose predisposes to sinusitis.



What are the common sign and symptoms of Bacterial Sinusitis?

  • Cold symptoms last more than 10 days without improving.
  • Thick yellow nasal discharge.
  • Severe headache behind or around the eyes.
  • Persistent bad breathe along with cold symptoms.

Bacterial sinusitis could may spread to the eye or the cetral nervous system (brain). Therefore, there are also some serious symptoms that parents should take note:

  • Swelling and/or redness around the eyes, not just in the morning but all day
  • Severe headache and/or pain in the back of the neck
  • Persistent vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Increasing irritability
  • Diagnosing bacterial sinusitis



How to prevent Sinusitis?

It is important to teach your child on good hygiene. Constantly washing their hands is the best way to prevent sinusitis. It is also important to eat nutritious meals and drinks the right amount of water daily as this would enhance your immune system.

Other than that, it is important to avoid liquid going into your sinuses especially when you're swimming or taking a shower. Lastly, keep away from people who have colds or other respiratory infection.

Sinusitis sometimes is started by allergy infection. Therefore, it is important to keep away from things that cause allergy symptoms. For example, cigarette or cigar smoke, pollen and more.



What are the treatment of Sinusitis?

In normal cases, acute sinusitis will recover without treatment. It can be solve easily with antibiotics to make it feel better. If the situation does not improve, it is necessary to visit a doctor or an ear, nose and throat doctor for testing and treatment. 

People who have chronic sinusitis will need to have extra medication, such as:

  • Antibiotics. Your child may need to take antibiotics for a longer time. If bacteria aren’t the cause, antibiotics won’t help.

  • Inhaled corticosteroid medicine. Nasal sprays or drops with steroids are often prescribed.

  • Other medicines. Nasal sprays with antihistamines and decongestants, saline sprays or drops, or medicines to loosen and clear mucus may be prescribed.

  • Allergy shots or immunotherapy. If your child has nasal allergies, shots may help reduce his or her reaction to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or mold.

  • Surgery. Surgery for chronic sinusitis is an option. But it is not done very often in children other than critical cases.

Recurrent sinusitis is also treated with antibiotic and allergy medicines. Your child’s provider may refer you to an ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) for constant testing and treatment. 



It is important to keep your nasal passage clear if you encounter sinusitis. It is normal to have stuffy nose if we encounter sinusitis.

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